Android 11i(2023)-11i(2023) SP1 interface changes

Historical version interface changes

This document introduces the interface adjustment and other important influence of the compatibility possibly affected between two neighboring versions. The principle of interface adjustment is to develop a more efficient, more powerful, and perfect application for users.

Interface changes from SuperMap iMobile 11i(2023) for Android to SuperMap iMobile 11i(2023)SP1 for Android

Change ID Changed content Module
1 CloudLicenseManager adjusts the following classes:

New Interfaces:

  • applyTrial():Apply for an online trial license
  • data
    2 CloudLicenseManager.LicenseLoginCallback adjusts the following classes:

    New Interfaces:

  • activeTriaLicense():Activate the trial license
  • data
    3 ChartView adjusts the following classes:

    New Interfaces:

  • OnDataPreparedListener):Monitor at completion
  • mapping